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Momoi CN-10 Hand Crimper

Item ID: 30741


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The Momoi's CN-10 Hand Crimper is the perfect tool for crimping single and double mini sleeves. Its heavy duty construction will ensure that it lasts for a very long time. The Momoi's CN-10 Hand Crimper has four holes that can accommodate sleeves from .1mm - 2.2mm. This tool features dual side cutters that will easily cut through wire, cable and mono leaders. If you're looking for a new crimping tool to make your own offshore gear, a Momoi's CN-10 Hand Crimper is a great way to go. It's affordable and will get the job done!

Momoi's CN-10 Hand Crimpers are green. Buy one for yourself or for a friend who is an offshore enthusiast and likes to build his own fishing gear.

Models: CN-10


Color - Green