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Owner Hyper Wire Split Rings

Item ID: 29028


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Replace the split rings on your lures with Owner Hyper Wire Split Rings. These heavy duty split rings are made of the highest quality forged stainless steel and are built to recoil after opening. Their construction makes them extremely corrosion resistant so you can fish them in freshwater and saltwater. There are a lot of split ring options, but if you are looking for reliability then try a pack of Owner Hyper Wire Split Rings.

Owner Hyper Wire Split Rings are available in sizes 5-11. They range from 60-250 lbs. Made in Japan.

Models: 5196-054-#5, 5196-064-#6, 5196-074-#7, 5196-084-#8, 5196-094-#9, 5196-104-#10, 5196-114-#11


Size - #8

Lb Test - 120 lb

Pieces - 7