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Soft Plastics

Geecrack Spiron

Item ID: 39831


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The Geecrack Spiron is a terrific Japanese bait! The flat, wide, ribbed body was designed to imitate a bluegill and the thin spiral tail twists and shimmies to entice nearby fish to strike!  The Spiron is a soft plastic bait that contains salt, amino acid and flavor. The scent and taste is actually inside the entire body so it will last as long as the bait lasts. The ribbed body feels incredibly natural and it swims realistically in the water. It has action on the fall and when you swim it. Fish it as a trailer on a jig, Texas style, Carolina style, weightless or any other way you can think of. The combination of the shape, swimming action, scent and taste will lead to more hookups. It just will. The Geecrack engineers know what they are doing and this bait is one you need to have in your tackle box! If you want to catch more smallmouth and largemouth bass, buy a pack of Geecrack Spiron and hit the water.

Geecrack Spiron baits are available in 3.8" in green pumpkin. We are trying to get more colors but they are so popular they are in short supply! Made in Japan.

Models: SP3.8


Color - Green Pumpkin

Size (in.) - 3.8"

Pieces - 5

Hook - None